The Texas Digital Government Summit was held in Austin on June 25-26. This conference highlights some of the best practices and innovations currently going on in government IT. City of Austin IT staff participated, were panelists, and won awards at the event.
The two-day event is highlighted by the Best of Texas Awards. This year the City’s own Aaron Brown was selected as an award recipient. He won the 2015 Outstanding IT Service and Support Award.
This award recognizes the efforts of IT project leaders who provide services to citizens while upholding the highest standards of public service. Aaron works as our Senior IT Enterprise Architect working on Enterprise Architecture throughout the City of Austin. He has previously been recognized for his work by the Austin Municipal Court. They honored him with their annual “Friend of the Court Award.”
Here is a portion of the write up about Aaron’s work that led him to receiving this award:
“Aaron continually goes above and beyond his assigned responsibilities to achieve successful results for customers. Aaron exemplifies what it means to provide a great customer experience...”
Also at the conference, City of Austin Chief Information Officer Steven Elkins was interviewed by GovTech magazine about how Austin’s use of data has changed over time.
“There’s an effort today to continue to grow our Data Portal because of transparency, but now also, we can have data available where some of the local developers, programmers and big companies can take that data and create tools out of it,” said Elkins.
To see the whole interview, click here.
City staff also participated by speaking on panels during break out sessions and sharing best practices with other IT professionals. To find out more about the conference visit: